It was a beautiful journey, a hard road to take the step in this life, in this industry. We managed to take every project, every couple as our muse, our breath and heartbeat as we embark the journey itself together with many souls; separated by all of our most favourite adventures and destinations, we're not trying to expose our couples through this film, but indeed they are all the most amazing people also wonderful inspirations for us to be alive, to be who we are today.

Indeed it is a constant walk for us to achieve what we've believed through this industry, to be the good self of a brand, to be an inspiration for others who search for a great escapade of an adventurous life. It was somehow felt like we were called to be on the highest peak of mountains and tides, and we were working on it very much as we want it to sink in our bones and skins, days or months or years from today.

Here we compiled our one and only film that contains more than 30 projects, a thousand of footages, all of our destination, beaches, mountains, savannah, to the intimacy through the moments and weddings; and also one of our best inspiration that is "you", all of the people who constantly shares your love.




The Journey

Stories through #everlastingescapade of many people, couple, affection, destinations and other beautiful moments to be captured in a frame, in a life.



The first reel of ours, the first year of Atipattra's was definitely the hardest part of our journey. To scale the future further, to set the standard high and to reach more people, affection and anything beyond our words were the most essential parts of this .


What we achieve last year was definitely an extremely beautiful adventure. Through ups and downs, people who come and go, clients which turns to friends of us. To sum up, 2015 is our major year to build this company.